Sunday, December 18, 2011

Countdown to Christmas

Hello everyone!!!!! I will be posting every day as a countdown to Christmas. As for my Questions of the Day, they will still be posted but won't be all that GREAT, I can't come up with that many!!!! I am going skiing from the 23rd-26th. I will still post, though. I hope. If there is no Internet, whaddaya gonna do? Well, I have to get back to practicing now.
Question of the Day: When you close your eyes, you can still see. The only thing you are seeing, however, is your eyelid. But you are still seeing-and I have a test to prove it.
Is there a nice, bright lightbulb around you? Make sure there is-the Sun might be too harmful to your eyes. Look up at it-NOT NOW!!!! BUt after you look up at it, there will be a flash blob of color. Close your eyes once you see the flash blob. Can you still see the flash blob? Yes you can. Whiuch means your eyes are still seeing, right?????

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