Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve

People stay up later on New Year's Eve than New Year's, in my perspective. Anyway I'm going to my cousin's house tongiht. What are your New Year's plans? Only one day till the new year. Anybody have any New Year's Resolutions? Here are a few of mine:
1. No A-minus, on A or A-plus
2. Work really hard at school
3. Work really hard at ballet
4. Watch only one hour of television a week.
5. Eat more vegetables.
There are five. How many of them I will actually fulfill, I do not know. I mean, I already eat a reasonable amount of vegetables, I think. Every day. As for television, I don't watch any programs like Nickelodeon or Disney Channel or Cartoon Network, I like to watch game shows. Like Jeopardy, You Deserve It, and so on. I'm trying to cut back. I already work really hard at ballet. And same with school. Oh well, I could work harder. Much harder.
Question of the Day: Do you take the trouble to put up a Christmas tree and yard lights? Why or why not?

Friday, December 30, 2011

Sorry and hello

Sorry, yesterday I went to Monterey Bay. First I had to drive a half hour to pick up my cousin and spend 15 minutes there loading the bike rack. Then a one and a half hour drive to Monterey, and then we biked from Fisherman's Wharf to Lover's Point and back. Then lunch at Fisherman's Wharf. I would have loved clam chowder in a bread bowl, but I'm lactose intolerant so I enjoyed some fish and chips (chips meaning french fries, which I didn't eat much of because they contain acrylamide which causes cancer. Eek.) for lunch. After lunch (which, BTW, was at like three thirty) we reloaded the bike rack and drove one and a half hours to my cousin's house, dropped him off, and drove forty five minutes to a restaurant to have dinner. By the time I got home, it was time for a card game. My parents meet up with four others to play a Chinese card game, and we play at this house where there's a girl in my grade, she's my good friend, and we stayed until two AM. So....sorry.
   My apology was so long that I think it accounts for my post.
Yesterday's Question of the Day: Why do some people go to pizza restaurants only to buy salad? Like California's Pizza Kitchen, for instance. It's a PIZZA KITCHEN, not California's Salad Bar! Might as well go to a real salad, bar, they'd have more choices and better quality.
Question of the Day: If a coupon has no expiration date and you dig it up a year after you got it, is it still valid? Why or why not?

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Gifts

I totally forgot to tell you about my Christmas gifts. And as I have nothing else to post about today, I will tell you about them.
Here's how: every time someone asked what I wanted, I said, "Barnes & Noble gift card." So I got 50 from my aunt and uncle, 50 from my other aunt and uncle, 25 from my grandparents, 25 from a family friend, and 25 from another family friend. From one family friend, I received an awesome jeweled bookmark and a really pretty necklace. From my parents, a Kindle Fire EEEEEKKKKK!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They also gave me a Sherpa lined traveling vine hoodie from Eddie Bauer. They ordered it in extra small petite, yet it is still big.
Question of the Day: Where is considered the Bay Area and why?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


NO Internet. Or wi-fi. Well, it wasn't cheap. So...yeah. Well, I hope you had a Merry Christmas, all!!!!!!! And if you have read the Kane Chronicles, you will know about the Demon Days. They start today!!!! Happy Holidays, all. Becasue Kwanzaa, I believe, is still going on, and I'm (ha-ha) starting a countdown to the New Year. Check back tomorrow!
Question of the Day: Anyone have a blackout the morning of December 23rd? I know, not a really good question. I woke up that morning at 4:26 AM to go skiing-have to drive 4+ hours. I turned on the light and was waking my brother and cousin (they sleep in so they slept in my room so I could wake them up haha) and then the light turned off randomly. On my way to tell my parents, who were supposed to be up but not up (haha again), I walked straight into a wall, entered the bathroom twice, bumped into my mom's dresser, and tripped over a backpack before getting to them. The blackout was only in a small area, thank goodness. There were barely any cars, so it was okay that traffic lights were off. If you had a blackout, maybe you live near me!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Book Recommendations

As I have nothing to blog about but must do this as a countdown to Christmas...
1. Warriors series by Erin Hunter
2. Seekers series by Erin Hunter
3. Canterwood Crest series by Jessica Burkhart
4. Harry Potter series by J.K.Rowling
5. Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan
6. The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan
7. The Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan
8. The Secret Series by Pseudonymous Bosch
9. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin
10. 13 Treasures by Michelle Harrison
11. The Rag and Bone Shop by Robert Cormick....I think.
Okay, please recommend any good books to me in the comments!
Question of the Day: Is being a conductor easy or hard?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Inclusive or Exclusive

What's three plus four? Seven by going four, five, six, seven. You don't go THREE four five six. Why not? I don't really know. How many days until Christmas? There are four ways to go about counting and three different possibel solutions. Let me show you:
1. Including today AND Christmas: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday-5 days.
2. Including only today and not Christmas: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday-4 days.
3. Including only Christmas and not today: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday-4 days.
4. Excluding both: Thursday, Friday, Saturday-3 days.
I would go with number 2 or 3. Number 2 because if it's already Christmas, why count the day? Number 3 because that's standard addition. Number one and four have reasonable arguments, as well. I, for one, really don't know.
Question of the Day: In your persepctive, which of the counting methods above are correct? Why is that one correct and not the others?

P.S. I know that's a hard Question of the Day, but that's the kind of questionI LOVE. Hard and frustrating, one htat no one can answer satisfactorily. Except for some super logical person like Max-Ernest. I would love to hear his opinion on this question!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I hope this is how you reblog, guys!
So . . . anyone interested in winning a copy of INITIATION? (Out Jan. 3rd). :) If so, I'm giving away TWO signed copies!

The rules are easy:

You must be a US resident

You have to comment on THIS post and leave your email address so I can get in touch with you

Your comment topic is: "How are YOU going to celebrate Initiation release day?" :)

You get extra entries if: you reblog about the contest, tell your friends about Initiation (I trust you!), Tweet, Facebook, or do whatever you like to let other people know about it's release. If you leave what you did in your comment, I'll add it as an extra entry.

Two winners will be drawn at random at midnight on Monday. Good luck! I'll email the winners the next day. :)


That post was by the author Jessica Burkhart, who writes the amazing Canterwood Crest series!

Sleeping In

What time did you get up today? I got up at eight but hung around and ate breakfast and read a book and stuff before this thought came to my head. I know WHY people sleep in-they're tired or lazy. Simple as that. You slept at 2 AM? You won't be getting up for a while. You flew to USA from Japan? You'll be sleeping like a LOG. Or you are lazy and don't want to get up. That's what I don't get. I mean, there's nothing to do in bed! You just lie there! The only time I do that is when I randomly wake up at 3 AM and want to go back to sleep. But if it's a reasonable time to get up, like 8 AM, get up!!! There's a lot to do every day, and soem of that stuff needs to be done in the morning, right? Maybe I feel this way because I make a to do list every day I stay at home (without school) and list whether to do it in the AM, PM, or either. Hmmm...
Question of the Day: Why is sleeping in called, well, sleeping in? What does it mean by sleeping IN?

Monday, December 19, 2011

First Second post

As in, it's the first time I've posted twice on the same blog in one day. I was hanging around with nothing to do, and was like, "I feel like posting something on my blog." I really don't have much to say except for this: My eyes are really sore. I'm massaging the nerves, looking far away, looking at green, everything to soothe my eyes. Alas, my eyes are still sore. What does alas mean? Hey-that's your second question of the day, though you could just look it up. One more thing-I am going to the Hot Pot restaurant tomorrow for lunch! Yum. Have a nice night, all.


I was reading a book where the understudy was trying to injure the main character so she could go onstage. If I were an understudy, I would be pretty bummed, too. I mean, I wouldn't try to injure the main person, but still. Like, you don't get to have any actual parts because you need to be free to take the role in case. But if you don't have the role, then you just wasted your time with the rehearsals and everything.
Question of the Day: What would you feel/do if you were an understudy?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Countdown to Christmas

Hello everyone!!!!! I will be posting every day as a countdown to Christmas. As for my Questions of the Day, they will still be posted but won't be all that GREAT, I can't come up with that many!!!! I am going skiing from the 23rd-26th. I will still post, though. I hope. If there is no Internet, whaddaya gonna do? Well, I have to get back to practicing now.
Question of the Day: When you close your eyes, you can still see. The only thing you are seeing, however, is your eyelid. But you are still seeing-and I have a test to prove it.
Is there a nice, bright lightbulb around you? Make sure there is-the Sun might be too harmful to your eyes. Look up at it-NOT NOW!!!! BUt after you look up at it, there will be a flash blob of color. Close your eyes once you see the flash blob. Can you still see the flash blob? Yes you can. Whiuch means your eyes are still seeing, right?????